Not feeling cared for hurts, we feel bad and suffer diminished self-confidence and self-esteem. Our neural networks are designed to support social connection.
It is very important to take care of yourself...
You can plant 3 different types of trees:
The Almond Tree: this is the help tree. He will guide you to a journey of helping The World, the others and yourself.
The Apple Tree: its said that an apple of this tree hit Newton's head a lot of years ago... Go find what lesson this one can teach to you!
The Wisdom Tree: the wiser, you'll see..
You'll see the indicators 'water', 'sun' and 'fertilizer'. Depending on this numbers the trees may grow (:
To press the buttons you must click them!
Almond Tree: if you choose to help the Earh, click the earth drawing and you complete the task the tree will get points in water. If you choose to help others click the 3 faced buttom, if task completed you'll get fertilizer. If you choose to help yourself click the little face and if task completed you'll get sun points. Don't take to long to complete the tasks... Your tree can die if...
Wisdom Tree: just click the tree or press spacebar.
Apple Tree: to scroll text use up and down arrows in your keyboard!. If answer to question 1 is correct you'll get water points, if answer to question 2 is correct you'll get sun points and if answer to question 3 is correct you'll get fertilizer points. Only if you had 3 answers correct you'll reach the next level
Play now down below! <3